Sunday, May 6, 2012


by Zeke Silva
Politics gets crazy. Wednesday my kids called me that a white SUV with Masso stickers was parked outside my house at night in the pitch dark. Good thing I was around the corner and I pulled up next to the SUV and it was Carlos Masso.When I asked him what he was doing parked outside my house and that he was scaring my kids he said " I was looking at the empty lots next to your house, I might be your neighbor. My kids or my family don't need to go thru this. Looking at an empty lot in the pitch dark???? I had to get a hold of myself because my kids and wife were outside. I got a blocked call telling me to watch out. In Spanish. Que vale mas que me quide. What country do they think we live in? The line has been crossed. Is this the kind of District Attorney you want in office? I have been trying real hard not to say anything, but this is getting out of hand. I will not be threatened or intimidated only because I support Luis Saenz. I have every right to support who ever I want. A year and a half ago no one cared now all of a sudden my opinion matters. I ran against Charlie Atkinson because he challenged me. I did not ask anybody if they thought I should run or what were my chances of winning. Winning was not my goal, it was a matter of principal. I support Luis Saenz because I know he is the best qualified and most experienced. He has no hidden political agenda or is using this position for a stepping stone for future political posititions. I will not be silenced and I will vote for who I want to. I have done my homework and I am going to Vote for Luis Luis V. Saenz. He is the BEST Choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The corrupted south of the border influence has been here for awhile now. It has to be stomped out now or it will continue to spread. Yesterday I saw Masso picketers at the intersection of Harrison and Expr.77 across from the tourist bureau. Thuggish looking guys in a white Mercedes. Not to stereotype but that's the way they looked.