Thursday, July 31, 2014

WHAT A FLUKE: SANDRA FLUKE CAN'T AFFORD $9 BIRTH CONTROL, YET GIVES OWN POLITICAL CAMPAIGN $100,000: Feminist's massive cash infusion could have funded 925 years of contraceptives

Sandra Fluke – the feminist attorney who in 2012 claimed she couldn’t afford the $9 monthly cost of birth control pills and has said taxpayers should pay for it – is loaning her own legislative campaign a hefty sum of $100,000.
Fluke’s $100,000 cash infusion could, in fact, fund 11,111 months’ – or 925 years’ – supply of generic birth-control pills from suppliers such as Walmart or Target.
According to California campaign finance reports, Fluke, who is running for a state Senate seat in California, has contributed $12,000 to her own campaign and $4,826.27 in non-monetary donations in addition to the $100,000 loan.
Fluke’s in-laws have contributed more than $20,000 to her campaign, and her own family has donated $9,600, the Washington Examiner reported.
Those contributions amount to one-third of her total fundraising. Her campaign has raised $416,185.
In February 2012, Fluke, then a Georgetown University law student, told a Democrat-sponsored congressional hearing that her law school didn’t provide contraception coverage in its student health plan and that female students “have faced financial, emotional and medical burdens” as a result of the policy.
Fluke claimed birth control can cost more than $3,000 for a law student.
“For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary,” she told Congress. “Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy.”
Talk-radio giant Rush Limbaugh came under fire from the left for suggesting Fluke was promoting casual sex and shouldn’t look to taxpayers to fund her sexual exploits.
“Can you imagine if you were her parents how proud … you would be?” Limbaugh said after her testimony. “Your daughter … testifies she’s having so much sex she can’t afford her own birth control pills and she wants President Obama to provide them, or the pope.”
Limbaugh added, “What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex; what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute.
“She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We’re the pimps. … Pimp is not the right word. OK, so she’s not a slut. She’s ’round heeled.’ I take it back.”
Limbaugh later apologized, twice, saying, “I became like the people we oppose. I ended up descending to [the left's] level. It’s important not to be like them, particularly in fighting them.”
Upon learning of Fluke’s contributions to her campaign Tuesday, Limbaugh asked, “Where does a 2012 law-school grad working as a social-justice attorney, begging all of us to pay for her birth control … come up with $16,000 to donate to her campaign? And then how does she go out an get a loan for $100,000?” …
“What’s wrong with this picture?” he continued.
“Now birth control costs about $10 a month, and this woman went on a fake TV commercial begging all of us to pay for her monthly birth control because it was so expensive, and it’s so tough and so challenging for college students to afford. … How does that happen?”
In October 2012, Fluke organized a rally in Reno, Nevada, at a Sak ‘N Save grocery store. Only 10 supporters showed up.
Just last month, Fluke blasted the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision that upheld the rights of owners of the company to refuse to fund a health plan that covered abortion-inducing “contraceptives.”
In a Washington Post op-ed, she wrote, “In sum, the anti-choice movement wants to limit not just affordable access, but all access to abortion and birth control, whether it is backed by the government, by employers, or purchased by private citizens.”

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