Friday, July 11, 2014

Sean Hannity Travels to Texas Border for Exclusive Tour With Rick Perry: ‘I’m Learning Things Here Today That I Never Knew of’

Conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity traveled to the Texas border this week for an exclusive tour Thursday with Governor Rick Perry (R).
Before the two joined authorities for a look at the Rio Grande, Texas Department of Public Safety director Steve McCraw provided them a briefing.
“You’re going to have to pinch yourself a couple of times to come back to the fact that you’re in America, because a lot of the stuff you’re going to be seeing … is almost like dealing with Middle East conflicts,” he said.
At the briefing, Hannity was also stunned when he was told that more than 600,000 crimes have been committed by undocumented immigrants in the past six years.
“I’m learning things here today that I never knew of,” Hannity told Perry.
The duo then viewed the Rio Grande from a chopper, later stopping for Perry to show Hannity Texas’s new weapon in securing the border.
“First of all, these boats fly — what have you got?” Hannity asked.
“We’ve got triple 300,” the captain said.
“Triple 300s?” Hannity asked.
“Yeah we’ve got 900 horse power,” Perry chimed in. “The jack plate will come up, I will operate in 12 inches of water and that’s why this becomes a very, very usable type of vessel. So, almost anywhere in the Rio Grande now, we can operate. We realized that we were not going to get the support of the Federal Government, so we had to do something.”
During the segment, Perry also mentioned that him and Obama “philosophically agreed” on how to secure the border.
“I hope his actions will follow up with that and prove that he does care about the security of this country and about dealing with this border,” he said.

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