Friday, June 20, 2014

Flouride In Public Water Causes Pineal Gland Calcification

Pineal Gland Calcification

Causes of Pineal Gland Calcification
The pineal gland may also be referred to as the “third eye,” epiphysis or conarium. This endocrine gland is located on the vertebrae at the center area of the bottom of the brain, just where the two hemispheres meet. The pineal gland is responsible for producing melatonin, a derivative of serotonin that will provide seasonal functions and the wake/sleep schedule of the body. As you age the pineal gland can become calcified, causing calcium phosphate to develop over the gland. Fortunately, there are ways to decacify the gland and prevent calcium phosphate buildup in the future.
As noted above, calcification tends to become more severe with age, with many people experiencing symptoms of heavy calcification of the pineal gland by the time they are 17. This means that an MRI or other scan would show a large lump of calcium phosphate on the gland as well as other parts of the body.
This calcification process is caused by constant exposure to substances like fluoride which build up in the body over time. Toothpaste, public water systems, hormones, food additives, excess sugar and sweeteners in your diet or even regular exposure to cell phones has been linked to the phenomenon of calcifying the pineal gland.

How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

Once you have discovered or suspect that you are experiencing calcification of the pineal gland, there are methods you can take to help prevent further damage and reverse the damage you are already experiencing.

1. Stop Further Pineal Gland Calcification

In order to truly decalcify your pineal gland you will need to learn about substances that cause this phenomenon so you can avoid them. In general, lifestyle choices and diet are the primary causes of calcification.
Halides include substances like bromide, fluoride and chlorine which are attracted to the pineal gland, encouraging calcium crystals to accumulate here. Fluoride is added to the water supply as well as many dental products like toothpaste. Switching to fluoride-free dental products and drinking filtered water can help avoid this problem.
Consuming excessive amounts of calcium from processed foods or overusing calcium supplements can cause calcium phosphate to build up in your system. Read the ingredients on such products to avoid getting an excessive amount of this chemical in your diet.
Tap Water
In addition to fluoride, the public water supply is filled with substances that are calcified which can cause harm. Drinking distilled or spring water can help you remove these substances from your water supply.
Mercury is poisonous and should be avoided to prevent a wide variety of negative health effects. Medical vaccines that are tainted with mercury, bottom feeding fish like prawns or shrimp, bigger fish like tuna or dolphins are all high risk sources for mercury. Consuming spirulina or chlorella can help to remove mercury from your body and brain tissue.
Chemical pesticides that are in meats or on vegetables can be toxic to the pineal gland. Consuming organic foods and working to consume many raw foods in your diet can help you avoid these substances. Some also opt to cut meat from their diet to prevent pesticide exposure.
Other Toxins
Anything that is not found in nature, such as artificial sweeteners, phenylalanine, refined sugar, deodorants, E numbers, dental mouthwash, air fresheners, cleansers and others can be treated as a toxin by the body, leading to calcification.
S.C.A.T. refers to sugar, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. These products drain the body’s energy and allow toxins to build up in the system. Cutting these from your life for at least two months can bring increased brain activity as well as an increase in activity from the pineal gland.

2. Remove Existing Pineal Gland Calcification

Once you have worked to cut out items that will cause calcification of the pineal gland from your lifestyle you will still need to work on removing the existing calcium from your system. It will take some dedication to fully remove these effects, but you will be able to notice the results as you continue with the process.
MSM can be taken at higher doses such as 7000-10,000mg each day, but you should work your way up to this point to keep your system comfortable.
Activator X
Activator X refers to vitamin K1/K2 which can be combined with vitamins D3 and A to create a detoxifier. This detoxifier will restore enzymatic balance to remove calcium from the arteries and move it into the bones where it can be used properly.
Adding ¼ teaspoon of boron to green tea or consuming organic beets can create a pineal gland cleanser. Consume boron in small quantities throughout the day.
Some believe that melatonin can be consumed to remove fluoride from your system. This should be consumed along with getting plenty of exercise for the best effects.
Iodine can be taken in supplement form to deplete calcium supplies and remove sodium fluoride from your system. This should be consumed in small amounts to avoid affecting your bone health.
Raw Chocolate
Raw cacao is high in antioxidants that can help to stimulate the pineal gland while detoxing the gland.
Citric Acid
Consuming raw lemon or 3 tablespoons of citric acid on an empty stomach can help to detox the pineal gland. You may need to combine these ingredients with spring water to avoid placing excessive amounts of acid on your teeth.
Garlic can help to dissolve calcium in the body. Consume half a bulb to two bulbs each day, eating it fresh or soaking it in fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to calm the offensive smell.
Distilled Water
Drinking plenty of fluoride-free water can help to flush away toxins that could be affecting the pineal gland.
Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid that you can add to your food to help detoxify the pineal gland. Neem extract and oregano oil can also be used as an antibiotic that will break down calcium shells from nanobacteria in the pineal gland. Tamarind bark, leaves or pulp can help to flush fluoride out through your urine.

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