Friday, December 9, 2011


A Gail Moore Press Release – PUBLICLY DEMANDING that Dan Castillo withdraw his application for Santa Rosa City Manager PRIOR TO ELECTION DAY.


I am appalled by comments made by my opponent, Dan Castillo about his desire to be Santa Rosa’s City Administrator at the same time that he is running for District 1 Harlingen City Commissioner.

Mr. Castillo has repeatedly said it’s not a conflict of interest.  He could not be more wrong.

As Harlingen Commissioner, Mr. Castillo would have access to sensitive information that may be helpful to Santa Rosa, but which would harm Harlingen if revealed.  On the other hand, If he represents both cities and chooses to recuse himself from an issue every time there is a conflict, he will not be fulfilling his duties as District 1 Commissioner.  This is very selfish and unfair to Harlingen citizens and District 1 voters.

Mr. Castillo wants to have it both ways, but it’s not fair to District 1 voters for a candidate to be telling them he will be committed to Harlingen, when in reality he is applying for a full-time position with another City government.

The fact that Mr. Castillo does not recognize that this is a conflict of interest is very disturbing. 

I therefore PUBLICLY DEMAND - on behalf of the citizens of District 1 - that Mr. Castillo withdraw his application for Santa Rosa City Manager immediately. 

If Mr. Castillo does not withdraw his application for Santa Rosa City Administrator prior to the election, then he is essentially applying for two city government posts at the same time, which is confusing to voters and a clear conflict of interest.

District 1 voters deserve candidates that are 100% committed to the City of Harlingen, and if Mr. Castillo is not fully committed to the City of Harlingen, he should not be running for City Commission.

Gail Moore, Harlingen City Commissioner Candidate, District 1


Deadeye Dick said...

Well, since neither event has taken place the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot. Castillo has not yet been elected commissioner or hired by Santa Rosa. If either, or both, occur then Castillo might consider giving up one or the other. We have had Harlingen city employees serve as commissioners in other towns, including Santa Rosa. Now, as for having inside info, then what about Leftwich? His wife is an assistant city manager up the valley. They talk; he may even seek out her advice since she is smarter and better educated that he is. She may even read the Harlingen City Commission packets. Sounds to me like this could lead to some real big conflict of interest issues.

Anonymous said...

Great job Deadeye..
If Moore was interested in exposing conflicts, why isn't she "demanding" Leftwich to step down? This is just a big smoke screen..