Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Today Show Host Merideth Vieira, Interviews The Brilliant Donald Trump!

Mr. Donald Trump, Presidential Timber


Jane Emerson said...

He is the best hope for our country in these trying times. He will get us out of these no win wars, stand up to China and Russia and put Americans back to work, otherwise, you're fired!

Anonymous said...

The fact that he's suddenly making such a big thing about producing the President's birth cirtificate just about says it all about this moron. Does he stand a chance at he Presidency? Hell NO!!!
The Chicken Genius.

Anonymous said...

Well why did the President spend 2 million on the birther issue. And why does he just come out and show the Amercian people his birth certificate? I don't see anything moronic about wanting to see proof. So where is it?
Please give a link so we can see it.

Why would she say home country? Isn't The United States of America the home country of all presidents of this great land?

If you bother to listen to the interview with Trump he plainly says that 3 weeks ago he believed the Prez was born here. Now after scrutiny, he thinks otherwise. You know after he still has failed to put all these birthers to rest I now question the Prez myself.