Monday, April 14, 2014

On This Day: April 14

Updated April 14, 2014, 8:54 am
On April 14, 1865, President Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth while attending the comedy "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. He died the next day.
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On April 14, 1866, Anne Sullivan Macy, the American teacher who helped educate the blind, deaf and mute Helen Keller, was born. Following her death on Oct. 20, 1936, her obituary appeared in The Times.
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Historic Birthdays

64Francois Duvalier 4/14/1907 - 4/21/1971
Haitian president (1957-1971)
70Juan Belmonte 4/14/1892 - 4/8/1962
Spanish bullfighter
86Arnold Toynbee 4/14/1889 - 10/22/1975
English historian; wrote 12-volume "Study of History"
79James Branch Cabell 4/14/1879 - 5/5/1958
American novelist; wrote "Jurgen"
72Adna R. Chaffee 4/14/1842 - 11/1/1914
American army officer; chief of staff (1904-06)
65Gerhard Rohlfs 4/14/1831 - 6/2/1896
German explorer; journeyed across deserts of North Africa
73Augustus Pitt-Rivers 4/14/1827 - 5/4/1900
English archaeologist called the "father of British archaeology"
74Horace Bushnell 4/14/1802 - 2/17/1876
American Congregational minister and controversial theologian
66Christiaan Huygens 4/14/1629 - 7/8/1695
Dutch mathematician, astronomer and physicist

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