Thursday, April 10, 2014

Armed Texas Militia En Route to Nevada to Protect Bundy Ranch and Protestors

Link on the story for those that don't know.

Things you NEED ! 
A Good attitude for good morale !! a rifle or shot gun + ammo & extra mags ! a camera ! hiking or combat boots, binoculars or a scope, maps or GPS & cell phone- 
( cell signal can be shielded with tinfoil, no joke look it up ! ) water + electrolytes-
( coconut water & bananas are awesome easy to come by electrolytes ) ! a good night sleep the day before + healthy meals, lightweight loose fitting long sleeve clothing + hat or shades, cool weather clothing or sleeping bag ( for cool desert nights, temp will drop at night ! ) flash light, batteries for gear, bush knife or combat knife, some first aid, money for supplies on the road or in town Nevada, THE SPOT, rally point 

Recommended items ! 
Bull horns, load baring vest, body armor, portable communication devices, 
side arms / pistols + ammo & extra mags, tent & camp chairs, portable tank of gas for vehicle,
portable water purifier, more guns, ammo, water & first aid for those that don't have.

!! Rules and Tactics !!
Watch your step,( snakes and scorpions. )
And if you want to hit anything... 
Zero your weapon for 50 or 100 yards if you haven't already.
Know your holdovers at range- 
( Do your Zero off and before you hit the battle zone, 
plenty of space out there for that. )
Some CQB action but lot's of open range shit out there !
( !! Leave Your Shit In The Car !!) - till we know the game plan !
Make contact with the locales & plan with them !
( Remember it's their town their rules ! ) 
Do recon and get a feel for the land.
Communicate & Spread out in 2, 3 or 4 man teams. 
Any offensive strike MUST be reserved for Day time !!
(we can not hope to compete against their FLIR Systems, Thermal Imaging & Night Vision Capabilities at night) 
Go time :)
(!! Check Your Fire !! NO FRIENDLY FIRE !!), 
Hit from behind when ever possible.
! Aim ! and DON'T spray and pray !
Stay focused & calm ! 
Cover fire, move and give first aid to a brother in need !!

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