Saturday, April 19, 2014

5,000 “Domestic Terrorists” Celebrate At Bundy Ranch In Nevada

KXNT's Kevin Wall with Cliven Bundy at the Bundy Ranch on Friday, April 18, 2014. (CBS Las Vegas)

Las Vegas, Nev. –  Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy celebrated with over 5,000 of his supporters and called it a “victory” in the ongoing battle with the Bureau of Land Management.
Bundy and his 5,000 supporters from around the country gathered at the Bundy Ranch for a barbecue Friday night. People came from every corner of the country to join Bundy’s family, neighbors, and ranch hands to enjoy music, inspirational speeches and plenty of “Bundy Barbecue”.
A number of those in attendance exercised their 2nd Amendment Right to carry weapons strapped to their waist in what is called “open carry” mode. Others admitted to be legally in a “concealed carry” mode.
Bundy continues to deny charges made Wednesday by Communist Senator Harry Reid that he failed to pay his taxes. On Wednesday, Bundy told Kevin Wall of KXNT’s “Live and Local” that Reid is in error on the issue of taxes.
“He’s totally wrong. I pay taxes—and we’ve always paid taxes. I’ve paid taxes ever since I was in high school… As far as I know I’m up to date. I’m 100% with my taxes.

”As to the charge that his supporters are “domestic terrorists”, Bundy told KXNT that the real domestic terrorists are the BLM and Communists like Dirty Harry Reid.
“Talk about terrorists, it seemed like those people who were holding those high-powered weapons against we the people of the state of Nevada and our visiting neighbors—they had to be the terrorists…

It wasn’t the people that’s terrorists, it had to be the United States government, the BLM that had to be the terrorists.”

Bundy was relaxed during the barbecue-but admitted his battle with the BLM and Communist U.S. Senator Harry Reid is far from over.

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