Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Tuesday, March  18, 2014
AP Highlight in History: 
On March 18, 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Gideon v. Wainwright, ruled unanimously that state courts were required to provide legal counsel to criminal defendants who could not afford to hire an attorney on their own.
AP Photo
On this date in:
1766Britain repealed the Stamp Act.
1837Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, was born in Caldwell, N.J.
AP Photo
1922Mohandas K. Gandhi was sentenced to prison in India for civil disobedience.
1931Schick Inc. marketed the first electric razor.
1940Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini held a meeting at the Brenner Pass during which the Italian dictator agreed to join in Germany's war against France and Britain.
1942President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order authorizing the War Relocation Authority, which was put in charge of interning Japanese-Americans.
1962France and Algerian rebels agreed to a truce after more than seven years of war.
1965Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov went on the first spacewalk.
1974Most of the Arab oil-producing nations ended their embargo against the United States.
2000Taiwan ended more than a half century of Nationalist Party rule by electing opposition leader Chen Shui-bian president.
2005Doctors in Florida, acting on orders of a state judge, removed Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. (The brain-damaged woman died 13 days later.)
2008Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama confronted America's racial divide with a speech in Philadelphia. It was prompted by incindiary racial remarks made by Obama's African-American pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
2010President Barack Obama signed into law a $38 billion jobs bill containing a modest mix of tax breaks and spending designed to encourage the private sector to start hiring again.
2011President Barack Obama demanded that Moammar Gadhafi halt all military attacks on civilians and said that if the Libyan leader did not stand down, the United States would join other nations in launching military action against him.
Today's Birthdays:
Rock singer Adam Levine (Maroon 5) turns 35 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
John KanderComposer ("Chicago")87
Charley PrideCountry singer80
F.W. de KlerkFormer South African president78
Kevin DobsonActor ("Knot's Landing")71
Brad DourifActor64
Irene CaraSinger55
James McMurtryRock singer, songwriter52
Vanessa L. WilliamsSinger, actress51
Bonnie BlairOlympic gold medal speed skater50
Dane CookActor, comedian42
Sutton FosterSinger, actress39
Rapper-actress Queer Latifah turns 44 years old today.
AP Photo/Matt Sayles

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