Thursday, November 21, 2013

OBAMA'S INTERNAL SHOCK TROOPS IN ACTION: "Knockout Game" Negroe Animal Shot By Man With Concealed Carry Permit in Lansing, Michigan!

Townhall reported on the "knockout" game last week, and now one negroe thug participant is learning that trying to knock random people unconscious with a single punch could have dangerous consequences.
Marvell Weaver, a 17 year old sub-human negroe animal from Michigan, attempted to "knock out" a man at a Lansing bus stop. Unbeknownst to the hyena Weaver, the man was a legal concealed carry permit holder and was carrying a gun at the time.
After approaching the man and "shoving something" into his side, the Godless Weaver was shot twice and survived. He has been sentenced to a year in jail. Retard Weaver claims that this was his six or seventh attempt at knocking someone out, and says that his arrest is a "lesson learned." He said he usually played the game when he was "bored" and usually under the influence of drugs. He was inspired by seeing knockout game videos on the internet.
This game is a troubling sign of the decay of society. Growing up in Maine, I was bored quite a bit as a teenager—although instead of knocking people out, I took up crocheting. I suggest Weaver's buddies pursue something similar.


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