Saturday, May 14, 2011


It appears that the Harlingen baseball team, the WhiteWings are on the verge of being kicked out of the local stadium where they play their home games in Harlingen.  Allegedly, The Whitewings have broken their contract with the city.  Not only that, but the city is going to discuss leasing out Harlingen Field to another semi-pro franchise baseball team.  The Harlingen City Commission agenda  for their meeting this Wednesday may 18, 2011 lists three items dealing with the relationship between the team and the city of Harlingen.
  • Agenda Item 33:  Closed Executive session consultation with the City Attorney to seek legal advice regarding the lease agreement between the City of Harlingen and the Whitewings Baseball Club, LLC for the use of the baseball stadium known as Harlingen Field (agenda item introduced by the City Attorney, Roxann Cotroneo)
  • Agenda Item 34:  Consider and take action to immediately terminate the lease agreement between the City of Harlingen and the Whitewings Baseball Club, LLC for the use of the baseball stadium also known as Harlingen Field because the Whitewings failed to comply with the contract. (agenda item introduced by the City Manager, Carlos Yerena)
  • Agenda Item 35:  Consider and discuss requests for proposals for a franchise or an organization to operate an independant professional team in the city of Harlingen and to lease the baseball stadium also know as Harlingen Field. (agenda item introduced by the City Manager, Carlos Yerena)

You are probably going to see some very unhappy Whitewings fans in the Valley if the city actually goes thru with this threat to terminate the Whitewings contract!


Anonymous said...

You have competition:

Anonymous said...

The White Wings owe the City of Harlingen and its taxpayers $50K? They owe and need to pay up if they want to play in Harlingen? Ask anyone from the Parks Board and they will enlighten you to what exactly has been going on between city and White Wings? No more "free-bies" for the Wings! Also, why does the commissioners now have continuous Executive Sessions on items posted on the agenda? What are we hiding? How many decisions have been made in executive session that should have been made public? Need to quit this practice?

Sam from District 4 said...

Yes, the city commission needs to quit hiding in executive session to do their dirty work. I for one will campaign and vote to get rid of the two crooks up for re-election in May of 2012. Jerry Porkuall and Joey Stealvino, the new guard? what a joke, the new thieves is more like it!

Anonymous said...

The gutless City Commission voted in favor of allowing the White Wings play another season at Harlingen Field! Did they pay the money that they owed? Or was there a secret pact with Irksen and the City? I guess the taxpayers will pick up the tab on this one? Oh what the hell? We are picking up the tab on two ventures in the City and I guess $50K is just a drop in the bucket?