CAUTION EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: The pictures below, which are extremely disturbing, show exactly what Uranium poisoning does.
Then they brought little children to Jesus, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed each one of them.
Child with almost total deformity of the face; no recognisable features at all, and what appears to be one eye situated in the middle of the forehead.
Child with hydrocephalus
Extreme hydrocephalus; deformity of face, body and ear. The line running down the right hand side of the head would appear to show that potentially two heads were forming.
Deformity of ear; possible deformation of lower body.
Born without eyes. I can offer no explanation as to the translucent quality of the skin other than it is possibly a result of flash photography at close range.
Huge hole in child's back, which is, I believe, an extreme form of Spina Bifida.
Possibly taken shortly after birth, this picture appears to show ambiguous genitalia, sometimes referred to as 'Non-Viable Children'
This child is completely covered in a white substance of unknown properties. Obvious deformation of face and eyes. Flash photography at close range obscures detail.
Two children with similar deformities of the face.
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.'
Child with unknown white substance covering almost the whole body.
Front view of same child. Severe deformities of mouth and eyes. The welts appear to indicate open wounds, or unformed skin tissue.
Severe body deformity, with head formed at 90 degree angle to upper torso.
Severe hydrocephalus; again, almost as though two heads were being formed.
Flash at close range obscures detail, but this appears to show malformation of the mouth and one eye missing, with the eye socket deformed.
It isn't clear what has happened to this child, and I have no explanation for the dark nature and condition of the skin.
Lack of focus obscures detail, but missing eyes are clearly visible, as is deformity of the mouth.
This picture would appear to show another 'Non Viable' child, possible male, with penis and scrotum merged.
Horrendous deformity of entire body and head. Note lack of eyes and malformation of the hands and feet.
Child with unknown defomity of the mouth, possibly a large tumour grown during foetal stage.
Malformation of hands, with almost total merging of all digits.
Severe malformation of face. Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.'
Severe deformity of arms. This child was born to a US Gulf veteran.
Child with extreme hydrocephalus, and defects of cerebral nerves.
Child with previously unknown renal disease, first diagnosed in Iraq by Dr. Gunther. The speculation is that the child had played with DU ammunition casings.
Child with extreme hydrocephalus, and defects of cerebral nerves.
Results of radiation poisoning in mothers womb
Oh my god, please, what are the sources of these images? Well, I happen to know almost all of them and your descriptions couldn't be more wrong.
First: the majority of these pictures are from anomalies that are NOT caused by radiation at all.
Second: Please, check your sources.
- The children "covered in a white substance" were born suffering from a rare type of ichythiosis called "Harlequin type Ichythiosis".
- The "Severe hydrocephalus; again, almost as though two heads were being formed." is not Hidrocephalus at all, it is a neural tube defect called Encephalocele.
- "Two children with similar deformities of the face.
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.' are simply cleft lips and palate.
- "Born without eyes. I can offer no explanation as to the translucent quality of the skin other than it is possibly a result of flash photography at close range." - the baby is just premature, with small amount of underskin fat and poor keratinization. We all looked like that ate 30 weeks of gestation.
"Child with almost total deformity of the face; no recognisable features at all, and what appears to be one eye situated in the middle of the forehead." - this is holoprosencephaly, a malformation where the brain hemispheres are not normally formed or not formed at all (the type called "alobar", which seems to be the one here. The cyclopia and abnormalities of the face are almost always present in this malformation, and it is very common in the trisomy of the 13 chromossome, called Patau syndrome.)
- "Severe deformity of arms. This child was born to a US Gulf veteran." - this is phocomelia of the upper limbs, common in some syndromes like Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and Thalidomide intake during the first trimester.
- "Child with unknown defomity of the mouth, possibly a large tumour grown during foetal stage." - this is a malformation of the mouth and tongue called epignathus.
well, and almost all the others have absurd descriptions. If you want to be accurate in your post, please make a better research and ask people who know about what you want to write about.
Greetings from a student in brazil.
Thanks for deleting my comment. If you want to be ignorant, go ahead. I just wanted to help making these things clear.
your original comment went into the spam filter. I found it this AM and published it just now. .....chicken bucket editor
Is the "Chicken Bucket Editor" Not going to respond to Mari's comment, Or answer her/his comments.
Ps Student from Brazil. I totally agree.
yes, all photos are real!
Go Student from Brazil! I'm doing a report on radiation for my chemistry class and if you hadn't responded I may have used some of this. I am now going to look for more legit sources. Blogs are apparently not a good source. Thank you!
-random high school kid trying to pass chemistry
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